Granulated Fertilizers


Granulated fertilizers

Granulated Fertilizers are chemical fertilizers that are mixed in a proportion and granulated through a granulator to attain specific grades as approved by respective State Governments termed as Standard Mixtures.

These fertilizers are used as an alternate to straight and complex fertilizers to minimize the cost of application.

Greenstar markets two grades of Standard mixtures., viz., Std. Mix. No. 18 (NPK : 17:17(3.4):17) & Std. Mix. No.21 (NPK : 12:12:12).

SPIC 12:12:12 – Granulated Fertilizer

This is a physical mixture in granular form which can be used by the farmers very easily. This is a very good and cheap basal fertilizer to all crops.


Granulated fertilizer mixture can be applied to all crops requiring NPK in the ratio of 1:1:1 for basal dressing. However the dosage varies as indicated below:

Crops kgs/acre
Paddy 250
(Ragi) 100
Jowar 150
Bajra 120
Sugarcane 335
Groundnut 160
Banana 250
Maize 170
Sunflower 200
Cotton 135

SPIC 17:17:17 – Granulated Fertilizer

This is a physical mixture in granular form which can be used by the farmers very easily. This is a very good and cheap basal fertilizer to all crops.


Granulated fertilizer mixture can be applied to all crops requiring NPK in the ratio of 1:1:1 for basal dressing. However the dosage varies as indicated below:

Crops kgs/acre
Paddy 175
Ragi 70
Jowar 110
Bajra 80
Sugarcane 235
Groundnut 120
Banana 175
Maize 120
Sunflower 140
Cotton 100